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Water Utilities

Sunset View Beach Water Utilities

Sunset View Beach has a state of the art potable water plant which is uncommon for lake communities of this size. 

The water plant was completed in 2011 at a cost of 1.1 million and in  July of 2023 a second 1000 barrel storage tank was added to accommodate the increased water consumption during the summer months.


The plant is managed by the qualified Water Plant Operator Rick Mathews. Rick has been the plant manager since its inception and Glen Pernitsky is currently training to attain certification so the community is always ensured of safe, high quality water and a properly maintained water system.

Presently the water board is working to upgrade its infrastructure as the original system has been in place for numerous decades. This maintenance and upgrades will result in fewer boil water advisories when completed.

The water system and plant oversight is provided by the SSVB Water Board composed of 3 SSVB residents and 1 Administrator. The board is independent of the RM of Mervin but works closely with the SSVB Board. 

Both the SSVB Water Board and the SSVB Board’s primary objective is to provide Sunset View Beach residents with predictable, safe, high quality water married with affordable user rates.

If you have any questions about the water system or plant please contact by email .


Annual water fee $350/year

Annual water infrastructure fee $75/year


Send etransfers to

Public Utilities Administrator/Treasurer -  Lorrianne Eskelson


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