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SSVB News and Notices


There was a majority vote at the AGM to pursue discussions with the Resort Village of Turtle View. This was NOT a decision to join them but to go forward with discussions on what exactly an amalgamation would look like. We are asking if there are individuals who are interested in being on a committee of six to be part of the future discussions. If we get more than four residents who express interest the Hamlet Board will then pick the committee to represent us.

If you are interested in being on this committee, please submit your name by email to by July 1st. 2024.

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The RM of Mervin Council met on May 28th.

The Sunset View Beach Community Court project was revisited and approved.

The Community Court Committee has been reconvened. The project is being reviewed to establish next steps.

Fall construction work is being planned. Pending contractor availability.

More to come!

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After the Newsletter was published and sent out to residents, 2 errors were identified in the newsletter and in an effort to bring clarity and ensure credibility to the areas of Voter Eligibility and the Resort Village of Turtle View discussion points, it was thought important to highlight them.

Voting Eligibility

The newsletter states if the spouse's name is not on the land title they are ineligible to vote.

This incorrect, spouses of titled landowners are eligible voters!

  1. Registered SSVB Titled Landowners and their spouses on the most recent RM of Mervin SSVB Resident Owners List; example 2 names 2 eligible voters and their spouses, 4 names 4 eligible voters and their spouses.

Resort Village of Turtle View  Amalgamation Deliberations

Areas Analysis Regarding Amalgamation

The wording misrepresented what Resort Village of Turtle View has in reserves.

Turtle View does have approximately $1 million in the bank but not in reserves.

Should have read!

4. Reserves: Turtle View has approximately $1 million dollars in the bank and presently has $480 k in reserves and is growing very quickly since forming their own Municipality.

SSVB presently has $400 thousand dollars in reserves.

More discussion will be required, including topping up of Water System reserves, to merging the two reserve funds together or the combination of both;

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