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Welcome to the Sunset View Beach Frequently asked Questions. 

This section is a work in progress, as questions come in, we will add them to help everyone!

  • Can I turn on my own water curb stop?

    • No! If damage occurs due to a resident turning on or off their own curb stop, the resident will be responsible for the cost of all associated repairs.​

    • Call Rick Matthews at (306) 845-9187 for turning on or off the curb stop. The service is free and typically can be completed the next day.

  • Why can't I place fish remains in the dumpster?

    • Fish remains create a significant amount of foul odors and impacts nearby residents where they cannot enjoy their own yards.

    • Take the fish remains back out into the lake the next time you are out boating, freeze them and take them back to your primary residence or take them to the Mervin Transfer site.​

  • Who can vote at the AGM?

    • Any land / dwelling owner inside of the hamlet of SSVB. This includes all residents that have their name on the land title and their spouse.

  •  Can I put a boat lift in along the shore?

    • Yes and No. The answer largely resides in access.

    • You cannot place a lift in front of private beach fronts (unless you have permission from the land owner), designated swimming areas or areas that may create safety hazards i.e. boat launches or close to designated swimming areas.

    • You can place a boat lift along public reserve only if you have access. There can be no removal of rocks or trees to create access. In fact doing so without Sask. Water Agency approval is illegal and can result in significant fines.

    • For the most up to-date and accurate information visit the Sask. Water Agency Web Site.

  • Can I remove trees that are off my property?

    • No.​ If the trees are creating a hazard contact the hamlet for their assessment and approval. 

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